daniel eagles

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Getting Shit Done

Do you hate this title? I also do a little bit. But it’s simple, direct and to the point. And that’s sort of what this blog is all about…

I’ve just spent half of my day doing pretty ‘uninspiring’ things. Nothing poetic, creative, world-changing. Nothing even so super productive either. I don’t even know where the time’s gone.

(I painted a white wall in my bedroom slightly more white, made a late breakfast, drank coffee, did some self-therapy exercises, caught up on some emails, had a shower and here I am).

The weird thing is though: it feels really f***ing great! Strangely great! Like I’ve just been given a healthy dose of self-esteem, contentment and clarity of mind that was completely undeserved.

So the question is: how come it feels so good to just DO many ordinary things one after the other?

There are 3 clues I suspect, all of which can be found inside the question itself…

1) I actually DID them (instead of thinking / philosophising over them too much)

2) They were ordinary things (as appose to the ‘great’ things that prop up the ego and can banish our resources quicker than expected)

3) They were done clearly and logically one after the other (doing one simple thing well, then another, and another, is maybe just very harmonious for the body and mind)

It reminds me of the cafe work that I can never seem to get away from; the simplicity and joy of simply DOING things, especially practical tasks using the hands.

The soul seems to like it… to feel productive and in touch with earthly, material things. Objects, food, furniture, people, spaces, light, beverages.

Perhaps this is why the TO DO LIST is so profound (and embarrassingly simple at the same time)… we’re animals after all… we need guidance, instructions, boundaries to get the best out of ourselves. And it’s CRAZY the number of people I meet (including myself at times) that refuse to work in such a practical and effective way.

“Don’t overestimate what you can do in a day. Don’t underestimate what you can do in a year” (unknown wise person)

What would life be like if everything could be broken down and experienced in such a way? And even the most poetic things of all? Love-making, creative writing, running, music, singing, teaching, cooking.

I wonder…

So try it yourself: don’t think too much… just write a bunch of things that need to be done, no matter how large or small… teeth-brushing, floor-mopping, fridge-organising, stretching, eating etc etc…

…and see what ‘getting shit done’ might mean for you and your life.

Happy doing!

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