daniel eagles

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Movement Research Notes : BIOTENSEGRITY


Global Responsiveness - when one thing moves, everything moves...

> The YANG function - ‘doing not doing’ (Wei Wu Wei); deliberately and consciously ‘not doing’

> The YIN function - intrinsic equilibrium (responding to external forces and influences to re-balance one’s organism)

Non-Linearity (related to ‘convexity’) - life is much more non-linear than we often like to think

...Consequences: ‘irreducability’ (you can’t get the eggs or flour back out from the chocolate cake) // emerging properties (1+1=3) such as the elasticity of a tensegrity model (or human body)

The LONG Body - permeability (the outer fused with the inner); no separation // whole-body distribution


> From a wide enough lens, isn’t everything ‘pandiculation’ (the body’s mechanism of restoring and rebalancing itself)?

> How far should we practically understand and give importance to our ‘long body’?

> Can we realistically imagine that the forces acting upon us might be energetic in other ways also? (eg. vibrational, thermal, sensual, spatial etc)


The Star - stand in a star-shaped position with fingers and toes separated and out-stretched (arms 90 degrees from the torso; legs widened into a V-shape).

Hold this position for 2 minutes without moving (remembering to breathe). Rest for 1 minute and then repeat the task.

Do this 3-5 times and see what effect it has on your: 1) emotional state; 2) physical sensation of having a body; 3) feeling of how it is to walk, as you walk around a room

Credits: Text - ‘Everything Moves’ // danieleagles.co.uk // hiddenbody.nl

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