Movement Research Notes (Vol. 4)

A Practice Ethos:

“If the path is clear then it’s probably somebody else’s” (C. Jung)

...a certain amount of cluelessness / not knowing which way to go or how to get there is normal, and at least suggests that you have the opportunity to carve your own unique path

Some Key Concepts / Take-aways:

Relaxation > Sensitivity > Efficiency > Output > Change

*calm, rested clarity is an essential starting point for high quality learning experiences

Complexity beats Intensity (eg. “timing beats speed, precision beats power”)

...regular, small, conscious experiments (integrated with rest and reflection) will take you much further than simply trying HARDER - imagine if you spent just 5 minutes a day, for 30 days, doing the same simple movement tasks :o

Creating & Analysing as DIFFERENT processes

...the body (and mind) requires a certain amount of doing - let yourself fully experience things without analysing, doubting, questioning too much. Try to trust your abilities to recover, reflect and integrate AFTERWARDS (not during)

The world as a playground - your gym, dojo, practice space is all around you! (especially when we have a timer, some chalk, a tennis ball, a stick, a notebook etc to ‘upgrade’ our environments temporarily if and when needed)

No Input? No output...

...without high quality ideas, influences, people, experiences (input) there is no high quality output. If you wish to teach, lead, advise, facilitate, parent etc, then INVEST in your own teachers, books, resources and inspirations.

*We are all vessels, through which the highest truths and methods can pass through. Avoid thinking that your ideas/habits are static and ‘the best ones out there’ - they can always be upgraded.

Getting what we pay for... ”love without sacrifice is thievery” (N. Taleb).

*Observe how little we all tend to value those things that are given to us for free. If we haven’t given something of our own (money, time, energy etc) then we’re unlikely to get something back.

Love & Give Thanks To Where You Are Now - You & The World Are Already Perfect…

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