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Nobody Gives A F***

I’m totally self-conscious at times! And I’m guessing you too are, right?

Perhaps that’s why you’re here, reading this blog… because the title pulled you in. You wanted to be reminded of your innocence maybe. Or that nobody actually does give too much of a f*** about you.

Let’s explore this for a moment:

It is said that there is the individual, then society, then a country, a continent, a planet, a solar system, a universe, and then the TAO! The TAO is ‘the way’. The great way. The way of all ways. The only way…

If the Big Bang really happened, then still the TAO existed before that…

Still with me? Great!

Ask yourself: how important is your problem, your situation, your life, actually? How many other people, collectives, planets etc are directly affected by your decisions?

Some, maybe. Many? Probably not.

This is not meant to demoralise you. Not at all. It’s a reality check (and for myself more than anyone!). You’d laugh if you knew how many hours I spend thinking about the consequence of my actions (including this blog) instead of just DOING them… of just WRITING for instance.

Life does not have to be a serious, well-thought out ‘plan’. It doesn’t even have to be important at all.

Reality knows this - that your life means very little compared to the gigantic ideas we might sometimes make about it; compared to the stories our mind can concoct.

It doesn’t mean ‘nothing’ either! Let’s remind ourselves of that also…

The people in your life (family, friends etc), your colleagues, their families, your boss, your dog, your doctor, your accountant, the company you might own, the village you’re a part of etc etc… you are the heartbeat of a small orchestra of energies.

That’s wonderful. That’s precious. And that’s REAL!

Take a moment to appreciate that. Put your phone down. Turn the music off. Acknowledge it.

You’re special, for sure… in your own tiny way…

NOW let’s return to the point of this blog once more: your insignificance!

Well, that’s also pretty sweet is it not? That those strangers walk by you, taking care of themselves. They don’t need you. You don’t need them. Their lives are inconsequential to yours. They’re special and so are you. They’re tiny and so are you.

As the hilarious Anthony De Mello likes to emphasise: “I’m an ass, you’re an ass… what’s the problem?”

Indeed, there is no problem with being an ant. Of being forgotten, underappreciated or unknown. What happens to your mistakes then, after all? They disappear. Water under the bridge, as the English like to say.

You can keep floating along, bumbling around, one mishap after another… apologising and moving on.

Do you have any idea how freeing it is to not care what people think of you? What the world thinks of you? Your country… Your family… The Universe… etc.

I don’t know either, not fully. But I like to think I’m starting to get there. Slowly but surely.

Nobody gives a F*** guys and girls…

Keep moving. Keep trying. And keep failing.

Because what else is there?


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