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The Mystical Life

I don’t know anything. It’s wonderful to write those words…

Right now I’m staring out towards the buildings across the street from me. Red bricks. Brown slate roofs. I had a strong black coffee just an hour or so ago… it’s all a bit trippy.

This reality of ours celebrates itself every moment, daily. Our eyes see. Our ears hear. But do we really pay attention?

I don’t believe there is a WAY to know how, or if, one can even observe such a thing as this majestic life of ours. Sometimes it all seems like a totally absurd accident. Dominoes falling haphazardly to the ground. Creating new shapes out of themselves.

Drink a glass of wine, eat a piece of chocolate, take a drop of LSD and it’s all different! Simply staring into space even can profoundly shift things.

There are no laws to all this nonsense, dear readers. The WAY is the way of NO WAY. Like the great mystics say: If you see Buddha on the road, kill him!

Once you think you’ve figured it out, it’s gone again. Ignorance is the only bliss. Conscious ignorance I mean… the deliberate ending of your self, over and over again.

Perhaps Rumi said it best: “Be notorious. Destroy your own reputation!”

The Mystical life / The Real life is one of systematic subtraction. What you lose you actually gain from. Empty space is more real than any object. Nothingness is exactly that: no-thing-ness.

Your consciousness kindly asks you to be nothing. Can you under-stand that? Can you stand-under that?

Enough questions.

Time for some answers…

Well, this time, I have none! Just a few meagre attempts:

> Be disciplined… and if you think you already are then be undisciplined

> Be silent… if you’re comfortable with that, spend time with more people again

> Create something / anything… if you’re already busy making stuff then stop - get rid of it, do nothing for a while… absorb others’ creations instead

> Meditate… if you do this daily already, then run instead… every day, even if its just for a few minutes… if you do this also then try some handstands or juggling or press ups

If this is terrible life advice then great! At least you know you don’t need it.

The mystical life is unknown. It’s question after question. Truth after truth. And the highest knowledge is to know that we do not know, cannot know, will never know…

That is Love. That is Art. That is Religion. That is Science. That is Spirituality.

And that is also PARADOXICAL.

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