TAO 2-week Study (PART 3)
Each can be manipulated to develop your practice and play. Eg. eyes closed, 1 leg, audience watching, silence, longer time, 1st to score wins etc
Randomness: How using randomness can enhance practice, learning and play (we do it all the time in fact). Eliminating some of our choices and emotions can be a real gift!
*SOURCE: Fooled by Randomness, by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Touch Shoulder Game: Complexity - lose a point if missing an attack. How to relieve tension and re-balance body and mind in between sets (the pandiculatory walk)?
60% Rule (aerobic zone): By keeping mouth closed we can revert to nasal breathing - good measure of if we're in the aerobic zone or not. Difficult when in competitive situations however of course...
House of Cards: By taking out a 'base' card we can more easily take out the higher sections of the pyramid. We can use this basic principle to overcome, control, dominate an opponent OR equally to take care of our basic needs, foundations, physical integrity etc.
Playfight Game: Higher stakes game in some ways. Hard floor = increased awareness and sensitivity.
...How might we choose for complexity / strategy / efficiency OVER intensity or hard work etc? (When fighting but also in life). How can we 'lose successfully'? (wabi-sabi). If you're okay to lose then you've already won.
...Learning beats winning, and humility beats pride ('losing the battle but winning the war').
*SOURCE: The Art Of War, by Sun Tzu
Belly Breathing (partner assisted): Like babies do. Shows deep relaxation and stress-free system. Effective tool for 'coming down' at the end of the day / overcoming dramatic or hyperemotional situations / sleeping 20% better also.
...Using your own hands or hot water bottle also works.
Scan whole body - avoid forcing the belly too intensely or quickly. Let it arise naturally, aided by the hand / hot water.
For more movement education and writings, visit: www.danieleagles.co.uk