daniel eagles

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The Martial Body (Notes from a Tao Intensive)

// Saturday - The Martial Body

(Theory & Concepts)

3 Parameters for creating / developing a practice: Intensity, Complexity & Duration

Potential Entry Points into STILLNESS - ‘Stiffness’, ‘Attention’ (at tension), ‘Contrast’ (utilising the extremes of both movement and stillness)

Microscopic VS Macroscopic approaches to Movement:

Micro - zooming in on a micro skill / specific, detailed part

Macro - zooming out into a more open, complex scenario

Common ‘blind spots’ regarding touch - the CLINCH, the PUSH etc (more to come in future studies)

The 60% Rule - staying in the sustainable, ‘aerobic’ zone of effort… how might practicing the 40% or 80% zone also aid your practices?

Nasal Breathing - the preferred method of inhalation and exhalation (almost) ALL of the time! Science and the ancient scriptures all strongly show the benefits of this...

Complexity BEATS Intensity (understanding beats hard work) almost ALWAYS...

...”timing beats speed; precision beats power” (fighter’s analogy)

A SUFI Analogy: Lovers wrestling VS Enemies fighting (we get to choose)

The role of Rhythm, Sound, Music in a fight scenario - ritualising / cult-ising the experience

Credits: marcellopalozzo.com // danieleagles.co.uk // hiddenbody.nl

Want to further develop your body-mind through one-to-one Movement Education, or know someone who might?

Contact danieleagles4@gmail.com...

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