The Ordinary Body

The body is complex apparently. You’ve seen the books, the college courses, the documentaries. All those long words and complicated systems. We’re all genetically unique also, we’re constantly informed – no rule applies to everyone.

We should move slow, but also fast. Eat well but only the exact right amount. Stay focused, disciplined and work hard, but also take holidays and relax.

Then what of intuition? Mindfulness? Awareness of the self? It’s endless...

I believe (or, rather, I trust) that it’s all a lot more simple than that. Life is basic. Health and vitality is a bi-product of certain natural principles being followed. Happiness, or contentment, is inevitable when such simplicity is seen, surrendered to, embraced.

This is the reason I like to take my shoes and socks off, even in Winter; to spend several hours a day outside in the fresh air; to find the sun at every opportunity possible, and swim in cold, cold water.

Okay, I'm probably exaggerating a bit. Well... I definitely am in fact. The sea scares me a ridiculous amount, and I’ve spent most of my years so far pretty distant from the equator. It’s my Englishness perhaps. Or, more likely, I too have made things too complicated.

All those fancy ideas and elaborate plans of mine. Deep down, I probably just needed a walk in the sun, a cold shower or a hug.

So how to embrace the ‘Ordinary Body’?

Again, you’re probably asking the wrong guy. I’m the ideas man, not the master; the writer, not the teacher. That being said, here’s a few potential ‘rules’ to go by:

Freedom Is Free – If the exercise, diet or health strategy is expensive or (even better!) not readily available for free, then don’t bother. The sea is free, as is the sun, and muddy grass is the most underrated thing of all!

Moving Is Easy – If your movement equipment is difficult to put together or complicated to use then it’s probably not worth it. A wise person once said: the more complicated the tool, the more simple the mover. Simple (or no) tools allow for a more natural, effortless and self-sufficient moving body.

Sweet Surrender – If you need a drink, drink. Hungry? Then eat! Fancy a cuddle? Invite a friend (or lover) over for a while. The Ordinary Body is, more than anything, a Human body. We all have basic needs that come and go each day. Contentment is the simple ability to nurture them, one by one. This often requires open and honest communication, as well as a humble heart; and, trust me, it’s definitely easier said than done.

You, my dear reader, are as ordinary as they come. We’re alike in this way, each and everyone one of us. In fact, you are so ordinary that you’re extra-ordinary.

Enjoy, and be kind to your, body. You (probably) deserve it...

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