daniel eagles

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The TAO Of Daniel: ACTION

The Tao is a game - the greatest game of all.

And yet there seems to be those that don’t play it, or believe (at least) that it’s possible to sit on the sidelines.

Taoism does not have time, nor care, for such divisions. If one is alive and breathing then one is inextricably linked to every other player, every challenge, every objective. One cannot exist in any other way.

So what does that mean exactly?

It means ‘action’, or at least ‘responsibility’, of some kind is inevitable. One MUST put their ‘skin’ in the game; there’s no other choice.

Taking action needn’t imply blind obedience however, nor behaving thoughtlessly. Working ‘smart’ instead of hard - in line with ‘the path of least resistance’ - is certainly the way to go.

Smart is careful and considered, NOT lazy and detached however. And ‘smart’ means full presence, full responsibility, full awareness, of oneself during such proceedings.

But Action is also messy. Action is imperfect. And Action always has consequences; some of which may be unintended and/or unfortunate to deal with. Just as nobody gets out of the game of life alive, every choice invites challenging and unexpected consequences.

This is both the gift and the curse of an actionable life; that new paths organically form - many of which could never have been predicted or planned for.

It is like dominos falling; one action following the next, then the next, then the next.

In this way the Tao becomes an entirely different practice, philosophy and experience of being over time. So much so that that which is NOT Tao eventually becomes the epitomy of it, along with everything else.

And that is why it’s called a journey or ‘the way’, because the further you go the less you know!

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