daniel eagles

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The TAO Of Daniel: ACTION

The Tao suspects there is an action you wish to take.

Every moment of every day in fact. Always the body is ‘acting’; taking small steps towards sustaining itself one day after the next.

Can one surrender to this inevitable fact: that we are here for a reason and, therefore, may as well choose how, where and when to act.

As a wiseman once said, “if you don’t have a plan you become part of someone else’s”.

Is there a way of acting that is inevitable and yet also willful; destined but also decided? This is the thin line that every taoist walks.

Can we make decisions that are also for the greater whole, as well as our own personal plan?

The Tao certainly believes so.

In fact, this could be the ONLY true action that anyone can take.

Imagine surfing on a sea of waves; you decide the path of the surfboard and the specific wave to ride, and yet the whole journey is fuelled by greater forces out of your control; the strength of the current, the wind and rain, the size of the waves.

This is an actionable life, steeped in the humble realities and limitations of living in this world. A Taoist holds all such things together at the same time, and when things don’t go perfectly to plan, he/she simply moves onto the next action.

Reaction and action become one. Actor and reactor merge into movement, and life continues swiftly on.

And so the Tao never feels like much of a big deal, though it has been so beautifully adored for thousands of years.

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