daniel eagles

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The Tao Of Daniel: CIRCLES

The Tao means ‘the way’.

It is a circle: O

A circle has no sides; or perhaps it has just one (universal) side; or an infinite number of sides, so undetectable that they appear as one endless round one.

This is a metaphor for the Universe, for all of existence, for a human life, and one’s consciousness of it.

When one takes a side, he or she invites the opposite. There is no black without white, no hero without a villain, no love without hate.

Even our more ‘every day’ concepts and ideas can be problematic: notions of health, friendship, exercise, food, family and art, for example.

And yet how does one practically live and understand without such terms, and without affiliating with various ‘sides’ of thinking, living and being?

It is impossible, and yet it needn’t be possible in fact.

The Tao does not require perfection (or perfectly round circles) all the time. It doesn’t discriminate against triangles or squares. And yet it doesn’t give excess power to them either.

By acknowledging, accepting and simply observing them, they quickly become that little bit more round.

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