daniel eagles

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The Tao Of Daniel: DREAMS

Dreams belong somewhere, but where? And what role do our imaginative fantasies have within the great Tao?

To imagine something is to do it. To do something is to imagine it.

There is no separation between body and mind, idea and action, thought and progress. If one dreams, he/she has already lived it in a sense.

One’s lived experiences contain all things: memories, dreams, momentary sensations, actions, emotions, thoughts, words etc. The dream is a culmination of all, and yet can also play a largely insignificant side-role also, just as our emotions or actions take a necessary back-step at times.

The Taoist holds it all together like some strange bundle of items in a rucksack. And it is knowingly carried forwards despite all of the chaos and contradictions inside.

Dream becomes thought, which becomes action, which becomes memory, which becomes another dream or idea.

That is the human experience for us all, Taoist or otherwise, and our collective memory serves to move society and culture forwards in a similarly chaotic way.

So dream away, but then let it go again…

The Path of the Tao has it’s own destiny and it’s own plan anyway. Your dreams are a small part of that, for sure. No more however, and certainly no less.

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