daniel eagles

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The Tao Of Daniel: LOVE

Love is the way, they say. And yet Tao also literally means ‘the way’.

What is Love? What is Tao?

Actually, they are both a mystery and that’s exactly the point. To know the Tao is to NOT know the Tao.

To be completely bemused by Love is to deeply understand it - understanding in the entirely human sense of the word, with all of it’s lived and sensual components as well as it’s unknown qualities and contradictions.

And so can one be ‘in Love’ with the Tao, or anything else, actually?

The truthful answer is that nobody knows. And yet it does seem that to be ‘in Love’ is to fully submit oneself to the journey; to surrender to the lows as well as the highs, the chaos and the boring routines, the pleasure and the pain.

One cannot really be ‘out of love’ with anything in this sense, for there is always the experience of that which IS, and therefore that which ISN’T, to be in love with.

Love, after all, suggests Hate. And Tao too implies all that is NOT Tao.

It is a trap that cannot be escaped from. An unfortunate prison.

Yet can even such a prison as this be contained within the whole human experience of being?

…and do we have any other choice but to try?

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