daniel eagles

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The TAO Of Daniel: NOTHING

There’s not much that can be truthfully said about the Tao, because there’s not much that can be said about Life.

All words become symbols, become stories, become ideas, become boxes.

The true nothingness of reality, of all existence and of the Tao can therefore never be captured by our verbal or written understanding of it.

This blog, too, is a hopeless (all be it brave) attempt at truth. Such attempts can be playful though, regardless. In fact, the essence of play perhaps IS this very pointlessness I speak of.

Play has no purpose, no specific aim, and is enough in and of itself. It’s existence is the very absence of tradition, of memory and of preconceived ideas of any kind.

Play and nothingness are therefore invisible best friends, relying on each other to survive and thrive. Play can support growth and a long term process, most certainly, but it’s priority is fun, entertainment and self-forgetfulness.

Hence all learning through Play, and through all of life actually, is accidental. It happens within our ‘no concept’ of what’s happening and is improved upon by the very nothingness that is required to create it.

As a wise man once said: No ideas beats Good ideas.

Black requires white. White requires black. Every plant, substance or being requires it’s direct opposite in order to fully express itself, and in most cases to even exist.

…So next time you see a glorious painting hanging on a wall, or are giggling to your heart’s content, notice the nothingness that inherently surrounds it.

That nothingness, and the subsequent jewel that it creates; that is the workings of the Tao.

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