daniel eagles

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When was the last time you performed?

Are you too shy to do so? Does it make you nervous? Do you find yourself more comfortable alone, or at least away from strangers and the public eye?

The Tao, being ever present always, makes no distinction between practice and performance, between introverts and extraverts, public or personal space.

Could it be that we’re always performing actually? To the sky, the trees, the everyday world around us…

Perhaps nothing beats a human audience, and yet is there really any difference between people and birds, a person and a cloud, a baby and a plant?

In the grand scheme of things maybe not.

Relationship is relationship and doing is doing. Every action has a consequence and every consequence creates the next (re)action. This goes on for eternity, both forwards and backwards in time, as well as deeper into the present moment.

If this sounds vague, complicated or overly philosophical then you might be right. Nobody understands, least of all the Tao. The Tao simply tries to fathom life’s nuances and to embrace it’s own unknown factors and unclear results.

Learning how to perform in this life IS the performance.

Learning whilst doing. Doing whilst being. Being whilst dying.

And so living a single day of a Taoist life is a sheer miracle; the greatest and yet most humble performance there is.

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