daniel eagles

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The Tao Of Daniel: REACTION

We’ve all heard those questions before: Do you believe in free will? And what about Fate, or Destiny?

We seem to be a little obsessed, or at least curious, about control. And, likewise, surrender.

Well, what if I told you that there is no choice, there is no ‘action’. Everything, since the beginning of Time, is nothing but a consequence of all before it.

There is action, and there is ‘reaction’, we are told. And yet can we ‘act’ at all really? Is it possible to do anything without reacting to something else before it?

Whether it’s God, the Big Bang, or some ‘thing’ else, there was a ‘thing’ before you, and that ‘thing’ manifested all that you, in turn, will also.

What a blessing, one might say, to be such a domino; to fall from all that came before.

If one can find the humility for it then there is nothing to lose and a lot to gain. So that’s the question: humility, surrender, effortlessness… can one become to such things?

And might one, paradoxically speaking, actually find a superb sense of control (or ‘self will’) through this process after all?

The Tao would indeed say so; that one creates the other; the yin invites the yang; the Shakti welcomes in the Shiva.

This is ‘The Way’, or so we are told…

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