The Tao Of Daniel: THE WAY

The Tao means ‘the way’; but ‘the way’ of what?

The way of being, of breathing, of living, of moving, of existing, of doing, of truth, of destiny, of everything.

Imagine a river’s current constantly shifting things in a certain direction, with a specific speed and at a particular rhythm.

All things function in a similar way; following the ‘path of least resistance’ in every moment.

What is the easiest, gentlest, lightest thing for you to be doing here and now?

Can you allow yourself it?

Can you trust this path that you appear to be on?

What might it mean for yourself and others to ‘follow the tide’?

And what does such a world look like in the grand scheme of things?

Well this is ALREADY the world in fact! Always and forever more…

One cannot divert from the path of the Tao, no matter how hard he or she tries.

Perhaps some surrender a little easier than others but, nonetheless, we each find our way back to the fateful road that we were meant for.

It is even said that one can predict his or her lifespan and age at which death will occur; for being in touch with one’s momentary fate is to know one’s likely future also, and to consolidate one’s past and future into the present.

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The Tao Of Daniel: EMPTY CUP


The Tao Of Daniel: MYSTERY