daniel eagles

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The Tao Of Daniel: WISDOM

What is the nature of existence? This is the question that all philosophers, all poets and all of the world’s religions attempt to answer.

I cannot answer it and nor can anyone else. And yet this is what makes me Tao - the awareness of my lack of answers.

Taoists are mostly silent (or strangely playful) when it comes to serious matters such as politics, religion, social policy etc. for this very reason.

There is no place to arrive to or escape from; every day is a riddle, and the questions will remain until the end of all existence.

So how many of these curiosities, these uncertainties, these contradictions can you handle all at once?

This is wisdom, this is Tao, and this is also more ‘useful’ than our usual understanding of intelligence perhaps.

Intelligence is solving problems. Intelligence is knowledge. Whereas wisdom is not knowing a single thing.

Wisdom is finding new, interesting problems that you don’t have an answer to. Wisdom invites humility, endless growth and passionate curiosity.

After all, to realise that we cannot know one single thing is to realise that we cannot know anything.

The planet, nature, people, community, animals, stars, art, music, movement, the universe, is all a complete and utter mystery.

There is no knowing, only searching. There is no finding, only looking. And to forget all sense of success, of achievement and of becoming is to embrace the way of the Tao and the way of Nature…

…the way of all things.

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