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The Time Is NOW

I get emotional sometimes; frustrated, disappointed, angry. Not very often but I do have my moments.

You know when it happens most? When I’m waiting… Or when I’m around others that are waiting…

Waiting for what? You ask…

Waiting for my precious dream to manifest itself. Waiting for that perfect idea of mine to become reality. Waiting for Life to be kinder; for others to be sweeter; for my bank account to be richer etc etc.

Then I’m reminded of the NOW, like a giant slap in the face! I put on some rap music. Write. Run. Dance. Play. Get shit done. Anything to actually connect with the moment.

Fuck, I tell myself. I did it again. Got lost in my head; playing out fantasies and fairy tales, then wondering why I felt like a sail boat drifting further and further from the shore.

Here’s a few things I remind myself of in such moments:

// It doesn’t matter so much WHAT you do… just do SOMETHING, and do it FULLY, with complete PRESENCE and COMMITMENT

// The NOW is not just physical (eg. running) or mental (eg. writing), it’s also EMOTIONAL! Find the emotional content in what you’re doing… it always helps!

// EVERYTHING is PRACTICE… success is a terrible orientation to work towards… learning / growth / transformation is a much better one (long term at least)

// KEEP IT SIMPLE… don’t overestimate what you can do in a day… don’t underestimate what you can do in a week…

The time is really NOW. Why? Because there is no time.

Your life, my life, THE life, is the eternal NOW.

Past, present and future are one!

Don’t believe me? Imagine being diagnosed with a serious illness and given 5 years to live… it’s pretty intense right?

It’s not intense in 4 years and 364 days time, but NOW!

But that’s enough deep existential stuff for now. (Check out anything by Stephen Hawking or Carlo Rovelli if you want more mind-fuck-ness…)

A few quick reminders before we part ways for another (sort of) day:

> do less, become more

> do something fully… anything… it doesn’t really matter what

> follow your gut (the emotional centre)… emotional content is alive and real, usually in the here and NOW

Good luck folks! See you next time (or the infinite times after that)…

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