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What Is Genius?

There’s some pretty special people out there. We’ve all met a few over the years - those multitalented or highly gifted individuals. They go on to make millions, or foster awe and admiration at least from their friends and peers.

Some people are sort of ‘destined’ for greatness it seems. But is it true? Can it possibly be? And, if so, what separates them from the mere mortal among us?

Here’s an idea: the word ‘genius’, I found out recently, originates from the root word ‘genie’. Those Latin folks believed that certain individuals channelled spirits (or ‘genies’), and that those energies / movements resulted in the great works of art that they produced.

The artist, therefore, was not ‘responsible’. The spirit was.

The artist merely channelled some sacred power of which he/she had been fortunate enough to encounter for some short length of time.

The spirits moved on to other people, other artists, other living things etc. Genius was, as such, a state of being, NOT a ‘title’ or ‘identity’ with which to hold onto.

Does it resonate with you?

In my opinion, they were certainly onto something! And this is generally how I experience anything and everything worthwhile that I or others around me accomplish.

The honest story of our ‘achievements’ or creations is usually, actually that: this seemed to happen, then that, and as a result this decision was made, which strangely caused this other outcome etc etc.

It’s almost like the whole thing was destiny playing itself out, one moment after the other!

If this blog is too WOO-WOO for you so far then perhaps you were never meant to keep reading. But if you’re still here then how about a few potential ‘tricks of the trade’? Strategies, if you will, to channel whatever Genie may or may not be yours…

  • Decide your ‘work’ or ‘art form’ emotionally, not pragmatically… prioritise what ‘feels good’ rather than what ‘should’ be done or what is' ‘ normal’. The gut, after all, has way more neurons than our brain! It’s wise. It’s intuitive. It’s genius!

  • Try scheduling a fixed habit! 1 hour every morning, before breakfast, for example. That’s the time you write, draw, paint, dance etc… whatever is your ‘practice’. Give yourself an end date too. 1 week for example, or 1 month. The shorter the better in fact. That way you’ll build momentum and ‘success’ with each new habit you attempt.

  • Absorb FULLY other peoples’ ‘genius’! By that I mean, with full AWARENESS. Read a great novel, with your phone on airplane mode and with the door closed. Listen to a new album with your eyes closed under the covers. Run without music or gear or too many clothes on. Etc etc. Strip yourself of yourself. That way the input is more vital, more alive, more fulfilling.

  • Don’t be afraid to copy others’ work. ‘There are no original ideas’ - think about that for a second. Allow yourself to believe it, even if you don’t. Takes the pressure off, doesn’t it? Thought so. You don’t have to be Mozart to create and enjoy creating. You don’t even have to know what you’re doing. It’s totally okay to just try, and copy everyone else along the way…

  • Last but not least: meditate (or pray)! Sorry to be the 500th person this year to recommend it to you, but it’s certainly survived the test of time, while almost all else has fallen by the wayside. Every great spiritual/religious tradition has utilised its own form for thousands of years now… so why should you be any different? 2 minutes, 20 minutes or 2 hours… just give it a go and see what Genies find their way into your home!

That’s enough from the PARADOXICAL genie for now…

Happy channelling everyone. And don’t forget to rub the occasional lamp also. Who knows what you might manifest!

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