Where Snow Goes

The snow is here.

Glistening, white, everywhere.

It’s romantic, picturesque, almost profound.

I’m already a little attached to it, I must say…

And what for the other parts of daily life? The more mundane, familiar stuff… One day it also emerged, as if falling from the sky… One day it too will melt away, leaving first memories like puddles, then nothing at all…

I hate to be the bearer of bad news folks but there’s only one way this ends; this life of ours. The same way that glorious scene outside your Winter window also ends. All too quickly. As if, after all, nothing ‘really’ mattered so much, did it…

But this is not a blog about being miserable or an excuse to make you feel depressed! Not at all!

It is a blog about hope, about awareness, and about joy…

You see, the nice thing about snow is that she reminds us of our impermanence. Of everything’s impermanence. We know it’s short lived but we love it anyway. Weirdly, we even like that it disappears! After all, do we really want to be so cautious with our footing, and so freaking cold all the time! I’m guessing probably not…

Interestingly, it’s the awkwardness even that we enjoy: adjusting our plans, wearing two hats, drinking more hot chocolate, playing in new funky ways with our kids, trying to figure out how (or if) we can get to work…

Anything that knocks us a little bit sideways is usually a good thing, if only in hindsight. Covid-19 I believe is no different (though that’s another story for another time).

So how to move powerfully, confidently, joyfully with the changing times? How to embrace the emerging snow, as well as its inevitable disappearance?

Of course, I’m not really talking about snow here. You’ve no doubt guessed as much by now…

Our relationships, careers, hobbies, families, personal belongings.

All things go where snow goes.

Back to emptiness. The void. Blank space.

Or recycled at least, into a different form…

Maybe we can remind ourselves of the ever-present qualities of being then also. The breathe. The walking feet - one step after the other. Strangers passing by, that are actually our friends. Fresh air. Movement. The ground.

Try them for yourself.

See if they help to balance you out… lying on a hard floor for some time, for example, experimenting with a new breathing exercise, taking an extra walk, or simply observing your own thoughts…

After all, these are things we can rely on always, whatever the weather!

For the time being, enjoy your white walks readers. The green ones also. Because Spring is coming. Then Summer.

Then it all starts over again…

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