Getting High

Everyone loves getting high. Especially me.

High is sacred. High is energy. High is movement; above and beyond.

As in the great Tao, high also implies low. It requires it even.

What goes up must come down, after all.

I’ve never taken a party drug in my life so far. Mushrooms have also disappeared from my radar these last few years. But what really gets me high is the fire of life! Those situations we must really show up for. Running somewhere, without shoes, without water, without food. Being asked to lead a group of 15 students. Starting and growing a company from scratch. A nine to five shift. Being an intimate relationship.

There are ways in which the world invites us to grow taller. To show our range of skills, our flexibility, strength, honesty, vulnerability. Afterwards: a sense of having extended ourselves. We’ve reached a little closer to the stars.

With challenge comes compassion for oneself and our inner struggles. All the ways we are still afraid to face the world. With test comes humility and rest.  With difficulty comes learning, and eventually reward.

Getting high (and I mean getting really high!) is actually about being uncomfortable. It’s about deserving the low. Flying to the moon and floating humbly back down again.

A tired dog, after all, is a happy dog!

It’s the most sustainable drug there is: self-love.

Truly. Nothing beats being the best version of you...

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Peace and Paradox


The Art Of Floating