It’s All In You, My Friend

Right now there’s a curfew going on, some strict regulations regarding masks and the entering of certain shops, and plenty of riots and complaining in response.

People don’t like to not be able to decide their own destiny, it seems. I understand. Naturally, we want to feel free.

But were you ever actually free? I’d like to ask. It’s an important question…

Take me for example. I grew up without swimming lessons, far from the sea. I was raised far beneath the heights of mountain ranges, and in temperatures way higher than arctic conditions. If you take me away from my comfort zone, I struggle. I don’t swim too well, don’t walk so fast at altitude and my skinny body wouldn’t handle the South Pole so nicely either I suspect.

My point? We are as free as we are familiar with something.

Freedom is just meeting reality effectively, is it not? How could it be otherwise? With new realities, new environments, comes learning and transformation. Then all of a sudden you’re more free than you ever would have imagined.

Reality keeps moving… you’re again uncomfortable… you adjust even quicker this time… so on and so forth

Reality is changing each moment, each hour, each day, each year.

Pay attention to yourself as you watch the news, talk with a friend, read the newspaper. Pay attention to your use of social media. The way you interact with strangers on the street; your family, friends and neighbours.

Are you as free as you can be, in this moment, despite the world’s current social/political climate? How might you find another layer of compassion, of creativity, or of change?

It is my belief (and hope) that there are infinite layers…

It’s all in you, my friend. I’m telling you. You’re the superhero. Not this blog. Not your government or your prime minister. Not even your God.


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Being Ordinary


Peace and Paradox