Moving Sideways

Imagine you’re inside a circle. Everything around you exists. You also exist. Relationship happens every moment between you all. You depend upon each other; crossing circles, changing, moving, growing. Stepping forward, you enter another round shape. Backwards the same. Sideways also.

Reality is round. It’s always been that way. The Chinese call it: “the snake that bites its own tail”. Scientists might call it ‘atmosphere’ – those invisible forces that keep us drawn to the Earth’s somewhat circular sphere.

Psychologists notice it too. They observe that whatever we run away from we end up chasing. What goes around comes around. We all know what that feels like, right?

So how to escape the trap? Or, rather, how to move freely? To create our own shapes... make our own unique movements... forge our own stories?

Well, it’s not easy. And if you think that you’re already moving forwards, or climbing some straight ladder, then think again!

Reality is always round remember. You might have to move sideways (or even backwards at a diagonal) in order to keep climbing.

Is it strange what I’m saying? I should hope not…

A pandemic comes – new routines, new rules, new responsibilities. It rains – different clothing, change of shoes. Your Grandfather dies – unforeseen emotions, strong memories, blank space inside of your heart.

We adapt every minute of every day. To survive. To test ourselves. To thrive. To love ourselves. To love others.

I too get stuck on ladders, afraid of other bridges or side-roads. The Mind says North, and that there is no other way. The inner compass gets forgotten; the abundance of our existence; the circle of life.

If only you knew your potential. If only you believed me when I told you. How wild and sweet might life be...

Move sideways my friend. Every direction (and dimension) possible. See what you discover. Enjoy what you find.

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The Art Of Floating


Space To Be Filled