Space To Be Filled

There’s something rather large out there. Call it Space, The Universe, The Atmosphere. Whatever it is exists... and it’s bigger (much bigger!) than you are.

Tension keeps it all in order. The mass of different objects holds them gravitationaly in place, exactly where they are. Their movements are also energetic frictions that control each and every shift. You and I, in our own tiny way, are also a part of that.

How might you contribute to this grandiose arrangement? Can you really serve the world in the grand scheme of things?

Yes, you might. Though it just may not be the romantic story you, so far, have been led to believe in...

The question is not, in fact, how do I serve? But: how, and in what ways, am I getting in the way of my serving?

You see, we are all here to serve. Whether we’re aware of it or not (or choose to admit it to ourselves), we cannot help but move, exist, work, change, transform all towards the greater good. You are a puppet on a string. And if God is a fictional character only in your reality, then call your puppet master ‘the stars’, ‘the universe’, ‘destiny’ or (my favourite) ‘the tao’!

The trouble comes when we put ourselves too much inside the driving seat; we create too many elaborate plans, schedules, goals, routines and self-assessments. One can choose to respond, and how, to the puppet master’s actions. But your ‘reaction’ is as much as you can hope for in this sweet little life of ours, my friend.

Things will happen to you. Yes, they’ll just happen. You’ll react, respond to that reaction, then react some more. It’s all very silly, and yet somehow rather wonderful in fact. At least it is if you’re sat down on a warm couch sipping hot chocolate like I am right now...

Perhaps this is what all those great grey-haired, white-robed yogis have been talking about for so long: surrender, pay attention, exist simply, behave humbly and honorably as is your rightful place – nothing less, nothing more.

Or maybe I’m an idiot, spouting nonsensical ideas out into the worldwide web. It could even be a bit of both.

The point is that energy exists, and that greater energies win over lesser ones. Control is the winning of certain forces over others. The Sun is approximately 1 million times the size of the Earth. It’s almost an insult to deny it’s holiness, is it not?

How many ‘you’s could fit inside the Atlantic Ocean? …You see where I’m coming from here?

Worship this great existence of ours. The tree that’s ten times taller than you are; the cat that runs faster; the bird that has wings you don’t. The sea that contains galaxies you might never even begin to explore in your lifetime.

It’s a beautiful thing to be small; to be almost the smallest thing of all. You get the privilege of having fewer decisions to make. Who’d really want to be God, after all, with all that pressure on her shoulders?

So surrender. Give up. Be led by all things greater and above.

There is all that space to be filled by you.

All you have to do is wait.

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Moving Sideways

