
The universe is expanding. Not only that, but the rate at which it expands is also increasing. Imagine a balloon that grows half an inch after one breathe, an inch after the second, two inches after the third, and so on forever more...

That is the great kingdom of energy, movement and matter inside of which we live.

I’m not a scientist, far from it. I’ve read a few books, some articles, plenty of podcasts about it. But the absolute ‘truth’ is not important anyway... because I can feel it. Can you?

Your lungs, your heart, your mind, are like a planet. The daily rise and fall. That essential, endless flow. Everything works in tandem. Sometimes fast, sometimes slow. Until it doesn’t. You die, or become something else.

That is this life of ours. Face it. The whole thing is rather abstract in a way. Almost a little reckless.

We’re delicate creatures, after all, inhaling and exhaling skin and bones. Same goes for the nervous system; twitching away like cold branches in Winter. It’s a wonder that anyone ever made it to a hundred.

But might this whole ‘expansion’ thing be a little easier? Need you struggle to make room for your new self after all? What if it all happened without you even being aware of it...

I suspect it does after all. Your lungs needn’t be told to contract; your heart either. Our other organs, equally, go about their daily business rather quietly. It’s a miraculous thing in a way – to be so on ‘auto-pilot’. To let life carry out its own plan.

You become a vessel. Involuntary. Passive. Almost like a muse.

Like God is painting his own picture of you; using your body, your life, as his canvas.

Only when we look back in hindsight does it make sense. Then we face forwards again, and keep on expanding...

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Space To Be Filled


I’m Here As Always