The TAO Of Daniel: HUMAN

There is only one Tao; it is shared by all. And yet to ignore the peculiarities of some is to ignore the potential of all.

Humans are indeed peculiar. Perhaps no other species can reinvent, reimagine and transform themselves like human beings can.

The Tao encourages this entirely and is equally forgiving when things don’t quite go to plan.

“It is all part of being human” it reminds us, “forgive yourself and move on”.

Actually, a human being, much like every other animal, cannot make mistakes no matter how hard he/she tries.

Deviating from the path of the Tao is not really possible; it is only the mind or certain other (unhuman) habits that believe this.

A human being, instead, by his or her very nature, cannot do wrong in fact.

Can one accept his/her own perfection, however? That is the question.

Because we quite enjoy our supposed ‘problems’ actually, do we not? They limit us and we like to feel limited. Because it’s more comfortable perhaps.

Everything you imagined you could be you already are; everything you didn’t you also are.

There is no problem with you, nor I or the Tao.

Everything is exactly how it was meant to be. Without exceptions.

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The TAO Of Daniel: PEACE