daniel eagles

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The Tao Of Daniel: MYSTERY

The Tao journey cannot be truly understood; not by anyone. That is because it is infinite, endless; increasing in both complexity and simplicity at the same time.

With increased awareness comes a greater understanding (and experience) of the ordinary, and yet the nuances and hidden layers of that ‘ordinary’ also become more refined.

It is as if the more pure water one drinks the more one tastes, smells, hears, feels and senses it’s separate, tiny parts.

It is a harder thing, yet more rewarding, to learn to taste water, after all, than it is a famous whisky or fine wine.

That one always has something to discover or learn might be perceived as a burden, and understandably so. It is a sweet and comforting idea that we can arrive somewhere and remain content forever once having done so. Yet both modern science and the ancient texts clearly suggest otherwise…

…that ‘the journey IS the destination’, and that any ‘arrival’ is nothing but a temporary sense of calm and/or fulfilment, before the next chapter of one’s human life swiftly begins.

How wonderful, one might say, that tomorrow is always another day; that every morning (or evening) is yet another chance to reinvent ourselves; that everything is a miracle, never again to be known or repeated.

Nothing can be taken for granted, nor be too strongly attached to.

It simply doesn’t make much sense to do so.

Call it something and it’s changed before the words have even been spoken.

That is why this book, along with everything else, can never be the ‘real’ Tao.

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