daniel eagles

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There's a lot to be witnessed, explored, seen, enjoyed in this world of ours. Relationship is inevitable, and we must connect with those things outside of us in order to understand ourselves.

That being said, there's a necessity for each of us to absorb, reflect upon and make sense of our experiences. This takes time and, like most things in life, is an art in itself.

It's not always easy to 'come back home' and to return to a state of neutral awareness, especially after emotional situations arise, but it's essential that we try.

Reflection needn't be boring though, perhaps. It can fuse into everyday life seamlessly, without separation from the more 'exciting' things.

Moving your body, for example, can create a lot of internal space and time for reflection; writing, painting and cooking also. The key is in the quality of the time, not the quantity, perhaps; and so a short 5-minute conversation with a friend or silent moment gazing up at the clouds can be all you need to come to terms with the emotional and physical place that you're in.

Reflection, essentially, means 'to see’ oneself' as if gazing into a clear, transparent body of water.

So what does one require for this?

The intention and courage to distance oneself from the outer world in order to connect with the inner. What one sees is not always what one expects, but 'it is what it is' nonetheless.

It's reality, unfiltered, untarnished. Without the sweet icing or chocolate sprinkles.

And there's nothing more delicious than that!

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