daniel eagles

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The TAO Of Daniel: TIME

The time is NOW! Or so we’re told…

Yogis, much like scientists, do their best to convince us of such truths and they just might be right. Yet there is a sense of future always, is there not? Just as there’s some ‘knowing’ of the past…

The Tao situates itself, paradoxically, inside of all such realities. It lives in the Time that’s gone, exists in Time moving forwards, and is always present in this very moment also.

If one creates the other, like falling dominos throughout the universe, then the event of change, of action-reaction, and of movement itself becomes the Now.

After all, if Time can always be further divided and deduced then it can also always be widened. At least in perspective, even if not in practically measurable terms.

There’s a sense of destiny to the Tao, in the way that Taoists somehow ‘know’ the path down which they’re heading, and how to paint their current reality in order to best walk it.

When one knows where they could or should be heading, then the present moment transforms, and is filled with clarity, with purpose and with a deep sense of peace also.

This is the experience of Tao throughout any ordinary human life…

You know Tao now. You knew Tao then. And you will know Tao again.

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